Chad Hermsdorf, PA

  • Cardiothoracic Surgery (Inpatient Hospitalist)


Chad Hermsdorf, PA, is a UW Health physician assistant in cardiothoracic (heart and chest) surgery. Chad treats hospitalized patients with medical conditions involving their heart, lungs or other organs in the chest. He provides care before, during and after their surgery.

Chad’s patients require a wide range of procedures. These include heart valve repairs and replacements and coronary artery bypass graft surgery, which restores blood flow to blocked arteries. He assists with a minimally invasive procedure during which surgeons collect healthy blood vessels from various body parts to use in heart bypass surgeries.

As a physician assistant, Chad will also participate in a program that uses minimally invasive techniques to repair and replace a valve inside the heart called the mitral valve.

During his free time, Chad enjoys spending as much time as possible with his family and their four dogs.

There is no better feeling than helping patients through a major surgery and watching them return to a life they enjoy.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI