Cassandra Padovani, NP

  • Radiology
Cassandra Padovani, NP


Cassie Padovani, NP, is a UW Health nurse practitioner. She cares for patients who require interventional radiology (IR) procedures (minimally invasive procedures using MRI or CT images to diagnose or treat medical conditions). Cassie’s specialty is treating women’s health issues, including uterine fibroids (benign tumors in the uterus) and pelvic vein congestion using IR procedures.

It’s very important to Cassie that her patients understand their diagnosis and the required treatments. She recognizes that it can be frightening for a patient who needs invasive care. She talks honestly with her patients and fully explains how the procedure works and why it is needed. She also discusses any risks in advance and what the patient can expect once the procedure is over.

Cassie recognizes that a patient’s medical chart or imaging does not tell the entire story. By listening to her patients, she learns important information about their history and other medical concerns. This helps her provide the best care possible.

Outside of the clinic, Cassie enjoys international travel.

I really enjoy having the opportunity to always be learning and always be curious about things. If I didn't have that, I would be very unchallenged and unmotivated.

Languages spoken
  • English
University affiliation

Education & credentials

  • Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI