August 22, 2023

UW Health is Magnet, again

Aug. 22, 2023. (Photo © Andy Manis)
UW Health nursing staff celebrate the Magnet announcement

On August 22, UW Health received the official notification from the Commission on Magnet that it has once again, been re-designated as a Magnet organization.

Magnet Logo

Sharon Pappas, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, Chair, Commission on Magnet Recognition Program, delivered the exciting news to several UW Health nurses and leaders stating, “After reviewing your Document and site visit findings, the Commission on Magnet voted unanimously to designate UW Health as a Magnet organization for the fourth time.”

Crowd reaction to the Magnet announcement

Dr. Pappas called out three impressive exemplars from UW Health's Magnet Document and site visit:

  1. The high percentage (83.2%) of BSN-prepared RNs at UW Health, which speaks to the Magnet component of Structural Empowerment.

  2. Nurse sensitive clinical indicators related to patient outcomes: Ambulatory falls with injury outperformed the mean for a majority of 8 quarters at 100% of ambulatory areas.

  3. Nurse sensitive clinical indicators related to patient outcomes: Patient burns in outpatient surgery outperformed the mean for a majority of 8 quarters at 100% of ambulatory areas.

“This is a testament to your commitment to nursing excellence,” Dr. Pappas concluded. “You are national and international role models for nursing excellence and the Commission on Magnet has recognized your dedication to the nursing profession and patient care.”

This exciting news also means that UW Health is among an elite group: One of only 7 Magnet organizations in WI, one of 612 around the world, and part of only 7% of designated facilities that have 4 or more designations!

UW Health greatly appreciates all the hard work and dedication of every employee who helped make UW Health shine throughout the Magnet site visit, and especially the contributions of its valued nurses and the work they do every day. Magnet is a way to show that nursing is making a difference at UW Health and its nurses are leading the way.

Why is Magnet such a big deal?

Magnet designation is the most prestigious title a health care organization can achieve for nursing excellence and quality patient care. UW Health is one of ten Magnet organizations in Wisconsin, and one of 448 in the world.

For patients and families, being a Magnet organization lets them know they will receive the highest level of care. For health professionals, Magnet shows that UW Health is set up for excellence.