High-Risk Breast Clinic - PATHS Treatment: Assessing your risk for breast cancer

Individuals with certain genetic makeup or family histories may consider a visit to this clinic accurately assess their risk of getting breast cancer. A customized plan is developed to help reduce your risk.


Helping individuals at risk for breast cancer take control

It’s not uncommon for individuals to wonder about their chances of getting breast cancer. This is especially true if you have a family history of the disease or other risk factors.

The PATHS (Prevention, Assessment and Tailored Health Screening) Clinic at UW Health was designed with you in mind. 

We work with you to understand your situation and talk about your concerns, and help you decide if genetic testing is right for you. We can put together a personalized screening plan and provide guidance on lowering your risk.

People We Serve

Are you at risk? We’re here for you

The more you know about your risk for breast cancer, the easier it is to make good decisions about screening. Using screening to find breast cancer early can be important to successful treatment. 

You may be at increased risk for breast cancer and could benefit from the PATHS Clinic services if you: 

  • Have certain known gene mutations such as BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, PALB2 and many others 

  • Have a close family member with a high-risk gene mutation but have not been tested yourself 

  • Have had a close relative diagnosed with any of the following: 

    • Breast or ovarian cancer 

    • Breast cancer before age 50 

    • Cancer in both breasts 

    • Male breast cancer 

    • A combination of several cancers on one side of the family

  • Have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry 

  • Have had a breast biopsy in the past that showed atypical ductal hyperplasia, atypical lobular hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ

Our Services

Guidance when you need it most

We know that individuals who come to the PATHS Clinic have unique circumstances and needs. We personalize our services. We provide the help you need with understanding and compassion.

Our services include: 

  • Education 

  • Genetic counseling and testing 

  • Personalized screening plans 

  • Risk-reduction strategies 

  • Follow-up care

Meet our team

Supporting you with a team of experts

A team of professionals staff the PATHS Clinic. They specialize in caring for individuals at high risk of breast cancer.

The team includes: 

  • Breast surgeons 

  • Genetic counselors 

  • Gynecological oncologists 

  • Medical oncologists 

  • Advanced Practice Providers


Complete care for all your breast health needs

The PATHS Clinic is one of many services offered through the UW Health Breast Center. We accept self-referrals.

The lighted exterior of the Health Sciences Learning Center and Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center

The experts at the UW Health | Carbone Cancer Center intimately understand every type of cancer. We will get to know you and design a treatment plan that works for you and your family.

Learn more

Related services

More resources

To learn more about services related to our PATHS Clinic, visit: