Molecular Diagnostics | Hepatitis C RNA, Quantitative (Viral Load)

UWHC Lab Test Details
Test NameHepatitis C RNA, Quantitative (Viral Load)
CPT Code(s)87522
Clinical Information

The test is intended for use as a monitor for viral load assessment and as an aid in diagnosis of HCV infection in following

populations: individuals with antibody evidence of HCV infection with evidence of liver disease, individuals suspected to be

actively infected with HCV antibody evidence, and individuals at risk for HCV infection with antibodies to HCV. Detection of

HCV RNA indicates that the virus is replicating and therefore is evidence of active infection.



Clinical information based on result

Target Not Detected

No current HCV infection.

Follow-up testing is recommended as per national HCV guielines for viral load assessment, and no further testing is recommended for diagnosis of HCV.

<10 IU/mL

Follow-up testing is recommended as per national HCV guidelines for viral load assessment and results must be interpreted within context of all relevant clinical and laboratory findings for diagnosis of HCV.


10 - 25 IU/mL


Provide guidance for treatment and care based on current national HCV treatment guidelines for diagnosis of HCV and viral load assessment.

25 - 100,000,000 IU/mL

Current HCV infection. 

Provide guidance for treatment and care based on current national HCV treatment guidelines for diagnosis and viral load assessment.

>100,000,000 IU/mL

Current HCV infection.

For HCV Diagnosis and Viral Load assessment, Provide guidance for treatment and care based on current national HCV treatment guidelines.

Days PerformedTwice a week-days vary.
In-Lab Turnaround Time5 days.
Stat In-Lab Turnaround TimeNot available stat.
Collection Requirements
Collection Container
Collection ContainerLavender top
Also AcceptablePink top tube
Collection Volume6 mL
Pediatric Collection Volume2 mL
Specimen Processing Requirements
Stability Ambient

Whole blood - 6 hours     Plasma - 24 hours

Stability Refrigerated

Plasma - 5 days

Stability Frozen
Whole Blood Not acceptable

60 days at -20°C
Sample AnalyzedPlasma
Testing Volume3 mL
Pediatric Testing Volume1.2 mL
Specimen Processing

Separate cell-free plasma from whole blood and transfer to a sterile polypropylene tube or inpeco tube within 6 hours of collection. EDTA plasma may be stored at 2°C to 8°C for up to 5 days or frozen at -20°C for up to 60 days.


This test cannot be added on to specimens previously collected due to stability and cross-contamination issues. Please place a new order for a new specimen collection.

Outreach Specimen Processing

Transport frozen specimen on dry ice to Laboratory.

Specimen Transport

Transport specimen to Laboratory immediately.

Unacceptable Criteria

Whole blood specimens greater than 6 hours old when received by laboratory are not acceptable.

Interpretive Guidelines

If HCV is detected, two results are reported for each assay: a measured log International units/mL and a quantitative International units/mL result.


Analytical Measurement Range (AMR) used for both Diagnostic and Viral Load Assessment, of this assay is 10 - 100,000,000 International units/mL (1.00-8.00 log International Units (IU)/mL). In patients where HCV is detected but outside of the analytical measurement range (AMR), a result of <10 IU/mL or > 100,000,000 IU/mL will be reported. 


 If no HCV is detected, a result of "Not detected" will be reported. 




Test Limitations

This test does not genotype the virus.


 Though rare, mutations within the highly conserved regions of the viral genome covered by the primers and/or probes in the Aptima HCV Quant Dx assay may result in failure to detect the virus.

Additional Information

The remaining sample (plasma) will be stored in the laboratory for 3 weeks for future testing. Hepatitis C genotyping can be performed if there is sufficient sample volume and if the viral load of the stored specimen is >22,000 international units/mL. Please note on add-on request to use the stored sample.


Specimens are assayed using the Hologic Aptima HCV Quant Dx Assay.


This test is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.