
A path to parenthood

The Donor Egg Program at UW Health and Generations Fertility Care can help you become a parent.

Our specialists offer the latest donor egg treatment options to ensure high success rates.

Our program is a member of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. This means we offer the most advanced care to those who need help conceiving a child.


What is a donor egg program?

Egg donation means that a donor supplies the egg you need to conceive a child. 

Donor eggs are most often used by women who are unable to become pregnant due to their age. Others who may wish to consider donor eggs include:

  • Younger women with fewer eggs (also called ovarian insufficiency) or no eggs (ovarian failure or absent ovaries)

  • Same-sex male couples, transgender couples or single men planning to conceive via a surrogate 

Donated eggs are fertilized with your partner’s or donor’s sperm. This fertilization process, also called in vitro fertilization, creates an embryo. The embryo is grown outside the body for several days and then transferred into your uterus. 

Donor egg program costs

Unfortunately, many insurance companies do not cover the cost of fertility and assisted-reproductive treatments. For information about the costs associated with our Donor Egg Program, call (608) 824-6188.

Treatment process

The donor egg process

The choice to conceive with a donated egg can be overwhelming.

Our fertility care specialists will meet with you to discuss egg donation as a reproductive option. You will also meet with a counselor who will provide emotional support.

What you can expect

If egg donation is an option for you, our specialists will guide you through the process. This includes your selection of an egg donor.

UW Health partners with an egg bank as well as a local agency to provide you with options for frozen or fresh donor eggs. 

Our team will work with you to prepare your body to receive a donated egg. The exact details of the preparation will depend on whether you choose a fresh or frozen donor egg.


Several tests may be needed before the donor egg process begins. Tests may include:

An X-ray or ultrasound examination of your uterus to check for abnormalities.

An imaging test to examine your ovaries for egg production and cysts.

Checking to make sure the special catheter can pass through the cervical canal and reach the uterine cavity.

Blood or urine tests to check your hormone levels and infectious disease status.

To ensure you are aware of the implications of your decision to use donor eggs.


Care in your community

Our providers

A caring team

At UW Health’s Generations Fertility Care, we are dedicated to helping you become a parent.  Our team includes experts in embryology, fertility and reproduction.